Poem 331 – On the District Line

I saw you late at night upon the Underground,
You were old,fat and slouched,
Your face obscured behind the scratched old glass.
So I turned to my pad to write about you –
Then looked up – you were gone.


Dear readers,

I don’t want to say ‘Mysterious Vanishing Person’ is my muse, but it was amazing how, the moment I started to write this poem to add to my ‘Faces on the Underground’ folder, they  vanished. And, I admit, a little inconvenient. The fact that this blog has no category for ‘poems about random strangers’, but one for ‘poems about people one is romantically inclined towards’ is perhaps a little telling. Perhaps I should be embarrassed about that.

Kind regards,

The Hapless Neo-Romantic

Poem 308 – Aaron

3 ft. tall,
8 yrs old,
Spike through ear,
Hair gelled up,
Ridge along skull,
Reads the sport,
Shoves his m8,
Laughs @ gurls
Wishes for a iPad,
Wishes to get off.
Knows all the footie flags,
“Don’t know where the mumble mumble is.”
“Wither do you go?” I say to the chad,
“We’re going to the opera house” Aaron replies.


Dear readers,

About a week and a half ago I was taking a train to London when I sat next to a young child. Having spent an hour travelling with him, I thought he was reasonably well behaved, and quite sweet, but ultimately rather uncouth. Since he seemed nice enough, I thought I’d help him locate London landmarks. My brief conversation with him, however, revealed how one should not judge from appearances, and I am very glad to have spoken with Aaron.

Kind regards,

The Hapless Neo-Romantic

P.S. I am, I hope, less of an arsehole than this rather simplified history suggests!